worthless EMOTION
Tell me your secrets,
Poetry for the intellects
Tell me your secrets,
Let us live our lives free from troubles,
What are our friendships?
He said to me 'I'm scared sir'
May the best you've ever had be the worst you'll ever be
Love is kind, Love is gentle,
It won't always be easy,
Awaken from your revelry!
Woken, crash to reality,
What do they hope for?
As celestial comets crash from the black,
As babbilings of a drunkard,
This is the decisions never told
Now I know I don't know you,
Morality is conscience voiced,
They cared
The acceptance of wrongdoing is not an easy admittance,
Intellect that none can measure,
For never was such beauty seen,
There is a reason for being,
It has been said that power corrupts,
How odd it should be, that those
Lords, Gods, Kings. Is that what we think we are?
We are called blind, heartless, dispassionate.
We are surrounded, you and I, the free-thinkers,
I should like to think that
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